



delayline - buffer for delaying pins


loadrt delayline names=foo,bar max_delay=500,2500 samples=ffb,ffbsu


The delayline will sample the value of an input pin, and put the sample in the output pin after a certain amount of periods.

With this component it is possible to attach with another component to inspect the buffer. For example to create a virtual look-ahead by delaying certain pins (motion) without other actuators. This delay will buy time to inspect and change buffer record values.

max_delay will specify the max allowble delay time. When entering a value higher than max_delay the time will be cropped to this max value

samples specifies the different types of pins to be created. These pins must be of the type of BIT (b), FLOAT (f), S32 (s), or U32 (u).

There can be different (amount of) pins that are going to be created and they will all have the same delay.

The number of periods to delay is taken from the delay pin of the component

The pins of the component are created in a HAL section of the ring buffer thus making the values of the pins available thru attaching to the ring.


delayline.sample use like:

addf delayline.sample realtime-thread

To be called by a thread to be executed. This function puts the sample from a pin into the buffer.

delayline.output use like:

addf delayline.output realtime-thread

To be called by a thread to be executed. This function reads the sample from the the buffer, and puts it into the pins. When delay time is decreased the records between the current (old position) record, and the new position read record (current sample - new delay) will be dropped.


delayline.enable bit in

Enables the delayline, when not enabled, the input sample is set directly to the output pin.

delayline.abort bit in

This flushes the buffer. The user is responsible for whether this pin is attached.

delayline.delay float in

The delay in thread periods.

delayline.{type}-in{N} the input sample pin

{type} corresponds with bit, flt, u32 or s32

{N} corresponds with the consecutive number of the pin in the line, so flt-in2 is the pin that is generated after bit-in1.

The input sample pin is matched by output sample pin.

delayline.flt-in0 is the source of the delayed delayline.flt-out0 pin

delayline.{type}-out{N} the input sample pin

{type} corresponds with bit, flt, u32 or s32

{N} corresponds with the consecutive number of the pin in the line, so flt-out2 is the pin that is generated after bit-out1.

The output sample pin is matched by input sample pin

delayline.flt-out0 is the delay of the delayline.flt-out0 input sample

delayline.write-fail u32 out

counter of failed writes u32 out

counter of failed reads

delayline.too-old u32 out

counter of records being too old


When enabled, the delay time can be changed during use. This can result in dropped records (decreasing delay time), or records being extra delayed (increasing delay time).