

Machinekit Documentation

HAL Component — BLDC_HALL3


All instantiable components can be loaded in two manners

Using loadrt with or without count= | names= parameters as per legacy components
Using newinst, which names the instance and allows further parameters and arguments
primarily pincount= which can set the number of pins created for that instance (where applicable)


bldc_hall3 — 3-wire BLDC motor driver using Hall sensors and trapezoidal commutation.


The functionality of this component is now included in the generic "bldc" component. This component is likely to be removed in a future release


The functionality of this component is now included in the generic "bldc" component. This component is likely to be removed in a future release


This component produces a 3-wire bipolar output. This suits upstream drivers that interpret a negative input as a low-side drive and positive as a high-side drive. This includes the Hostmot2 3pwmgen function, which is likely to be the most common application of this component.


bldc_hall3.N.funct ( OR <newinstname>.funct (requires a floating-point thread) )

Interpret Hall sensor patterns and set 3-phase amplitudes


bldc_hall3.N.hall1 bit in ( OR <newinstname>.hall1 bit in ) - Hall sensor signal 1

bldc_hall3.N.hall2 bit in ( OR <newinstname>.hall2 bit in ) - Hall sensor signal 2

bldc_hall3.N.hall3 bit in ( OR <newinstname>.hall3 bit in ) - Hall sensor signal 3

bldc_hall3.N.value float in ( OR <newinstname>.value float in ) - PWM master amplitude input

bldc_hall3.N.dir bit in ( OR <newinstname>.dir bit in ) - Forwards / reverse selection. Negative PWM amplitudes will also reverse the motor and there will generally be a pattern that runs the motor in each direction too.

bldc_hall3.N.A-value float out ( OR <newinstname>.A-value float out ) - Output amplitude for phase A

bldc_hall3.N.B-value float out ( OR <newinstname>.B-value float out ) - Output amplitude for phase B

bldc_hall3.N.C-value float out ( OR <newinstname>.C-value float out ) - Output amplitude for phase C

bldc_hall3.N.pattern u32 io (default: 25) ( OR <newinstname>.pattern u32 io (default: 25) ) - Commutation pattern to use, from 0 to 47. Default is type 25. Every plausible combination is included. The table shows the excitation pattern along the top, and the pattern code on the left hand side. The table entries are the hall patterns in H1, H2, H3 order. Common patterns are: 0 (30 degree commutation) and 26, its reverse. 17 (120 degree). 18 (alternate 60 degree). 21 (300 degree, Bodine). 22 (240 degree). 25 (60 degree commutation).

Note that a number of incorrect commutations will have non-zero net torque which might look as if they work, but don’t really.

If your motor lacks documentation it might be worth trying every pattern.


<STYLE> \ #pattern TD { text-align: center; padding-left: .5ex; padding-right: .5ex } \ #pattern TH { text-align: center; padding-left: .5ex; padding-right: .5ex } \ #pattern TD.W { text-align: right; } \ </STYLE> \ <TABLE ID="pattern" STYLE="border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse"> \ <COL SPAN=7 STYLE="margin: .2ex"><COL SPAN=1 STYLE="border-left: 1px solid black"> \ <TR><TD> <TH COLSPAN=6 CLASS=W>Phases, Source - Sink \ <TR><TH CLASS=W>pat<TH CLASS=W>B-A<TH CLASS=W>C-A<TH CLASS=W>C-B<TH CLASS=W>A-B<TH CLASS=W>A-C<TH CLASS=W>B-C \ <TR><TH>0<TD>000<TD>001<TD>011<TD>111<TD>110<TD>100 \ <TR><TH>1<TD>001<TD>000<TD>010<TD>110<TD>111<TD>101 \ <TR><TH>2<TD>000<TD>010<TD>011<TD>111<TD>101<TD>100 \ <TR><TH>3<TD>001<TD>011<TD>010<TD>110<TD>100<TD>101 \ <TR><TH>4<TD>010<TD>011<TD>001<TD>101<TD>100<TD>110 \ <TR><TH>5<TD>011<TD>010<TD>000<TD>100<TD>101<TD>111 \ <TR><TH>6<TD>010<TD>000<TD>001<TD>101<TD>111<TD>110 \ <TR><TH>7<TD>011<TD>001<TD>000<TD>100<TD>110<TD>111 \ <TR><TH>8<TD>000<TD>001<TD>101<TD>111<TD>110<TD>010 \ <TR><TH>9<TD>001<TD>000<TD>100<TD>110<TD>111<TD>011 \ <TR><TH>10<TD>000<TD>010<TD>110<TD>111<TD>101<TD>001 \ <TR><TH>11<TD>001<TD>011<TD>111<TD>110<TD>100<TD>000 \ <TR><TH>12<TD>010<TD>011<TD>111<TD>101<TD>100<TD>000 \ <TR><TH>13<TD>011<TD>010<TD>110<TD>100<TD>101<TD>001 \ <TR><TH>14<TD>010<TD>000<TD>100<TD>101<TD>111<TD>011 \ <TR><TH>15<TD>011<TD>001<TD>101<TD>100<TD>110<TD>010 \ <TR><TH>16<TD>000<TD>100<TD>101<TD>111<TD>011<TD>010 \ <TR><TH>17<TD>001<TD>101<TD>100<TD>110<TD>010<TD>011 \ <TR><TH>18<TD>000<TD>100<TD>110<TD>111<TD>011<TD>001 \ <TR><TH>19<TD>001<TD>101<TD>111<TD>110<TD>010<TD>000 \ <TR><TH>20<TD>010<TD>110<TD>111<TD>101<TD>001<TD>000 \ <TR><TH>21<TD>011<TD>111<TD>110<TD>100<TD>000<TD>001 \ <TR><TH>22<TD>010<TD>110<TD>100<TD>101<TD>001<TD>011 \ <TR><TH>23<TD>011<TD>111<TD>101<TD>100<TD>000<TD>010 \ <TR><TH>24<TD>100<TD>101<TD>111<TD>011<TD>010<TD>000 \ <TR><TH>25<TD>101<TD>100<TD>110<TD>010<TD>011<TD>001 \ <TR><TH>26<TD>100<TD>110<TD>111<TD>011<TD>001<TD>000 \ <TR><TH>27<TD>101<TD>111<TD>110<TD>010<TD>000<TD>001 \ <TR><TH>28<TD>110<TD>111<TD>101<TD>001<TD>000<TD>010 \ <TR><TH>29<TD>111<TD>110<TD>100<TD>000<TD>001<TD>011 \ <TR><TH>30<TD>110<TD>100<TD>101<TD>001<TD>011<TD>010 \ <TR><TH>31<TD>111<TD>101<TD>100<TD>000<TD>010<TD>011 \ <TR><TH>32<TD>100<TD>101<TD>001<TD>011<TD>010<TD>110 \ <TR><TH>33<TD>101<TD>100<TD>000<TD>010<TD>011<TD>111 \ <TR><TH>34<TD>100<TD>110<TD>010<TD>011<TD>001<TD>101 \ <TR><TH>35<TD>101<TD>111<TD>011<TD>010<TD>000<TD>100 \ <TR><TH>36<TD>110<TD>111<TD>011<TD>001<TD>000<TD>100 \ <TR><TH>37<TD>111<TD>110<TD>010<TD>000<TD>001<TD>101 \ <TR><TH>38<TD>110<TD>100<TD>000<TD>001<TD>011<TD>111 \ <TR><TH>39<TD>111<TD>101<TD>001<TD>000<TD>010<TD>110 \ <TR><TH>40<TD>100<TD>000<TD>001<TD>011<TD>111<TD>110 \ <TR><TH>41<TD>101<TD>001<TD>000<TD>010<TD>110<TD>111 \ <TR><TH>42<TD>100<TD>000<TD>010<TD>011<TD>111<TD>101 \ <TR><TH>43<TD>101<TD>001<TD>011<TD>010<TD>110<TD>100 \ <TR><TH>44<TD>110<TD>010<TD>011<TD>001<TD>101<TD>100 \ <TR><TH>45<TD>111<TD>011<TD>010<TD>000<TD>100<TD>101 \ <TR><TH>46<TD>110<TD>010<TD>000<TD>001<TD>101<TD>111 \ <TR><TH>47<TD>111<TD>011<TD>001<TD>000<TD>100<TD>110 \ </TABLE> \} .el \{\


box tab(;); cb s s s s s s cb|cb cb cb cb cb cb c | c c c c c r. Phases, Source - Sink _ pat;B-A;C-A;C-B;A-B;A-C;B-C _ 0;000;001;011;111;110;100 1;001;000;010;110;111;101 2;000;010;011;111;101;100 3;001;011;010;110;100;101 4;010;011;001;101;100;110 5;011;010;000;100;101;111 6;010;000;001;101;111;110 7;011;001;000;100;110;111 8;000;001;101;111;110;010 9;001;000;100;110;111;011 10;000;010;110;111;101;001 11;001;011;111;110;100;000 12;010;011;111;101;100;000 13;011;010;110;100;101;001 14;010;000;100;101;111;011 15;011;001;101;100;110;010 16;000;100;101;111;011;010 17;001;101;100;110;010;011 18;000;100;110;111;011;001 19;001;101;111;110;010;000 20;010;110;111;101;001;000 21;011;111;110;100;000;001 22;010;110;100;101;001;011 23;011;111;101;100;000;010 24;100;101;111;011;010;000 25;101;100;110;010;011;001 26;100;110;111;011;001;000 27;101;111;110;010;000;001 28;110;111;101;001;000;010 29;111;110;100;000;001;011 30;110;100;101;001;011;010 31;111;101;100;000;010;011 32;100;101;001;011;010;110 33;101;100;000;010;011;111 34;100;110;010;011;001;101 35;101;111;011;010;000;100 36;110;111;011;001;000;100 37;111;110;010;000;001;101 38;110;100;000;001;011;111 39;111;101;001;000;010;110 40;100;000;001;011;111;110 41;101;001;000;010;110;111 42;100;000;010;011;111;101 43;101;001;011;010;110;100 44;110;010;011;001;101;100 45;111;011;010;000;100;101 46;110;010;000;001;101;111 47;111;011;001;000;100;110 .TE \}


bldc_hall6 6-wire unipolar driver for BLDC motors.


Andy Pugh